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Check out our School Policies below

Health & Safety Policy


In accordance of the Health and Safety Executive Guidelines,The Children's Theatre Group is required to appoint a person to take charge of first aid arrangement. The role of this appointed person includes looking after the first aid equipment and facilities and calling the emergency services when required.


Appointed Person Didsbury Theatre School Katy McVitty 07895 708440

Appointed Person Hale Theatre School Chloe Cornick 07785 693423

Appointed Person Aigburth Theatre School Georgina Cant 


To view our full Health and safety policy please contact




Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and to keep them safe. At the CTG, we are committed to safeguarding all our students, teachers and staff. It means:


  • Protecting children and adults at risk from maltreatment,

  • Preventing the impairment of children and at risk adults’ health or development,

  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and

  • Taking action to enable all children and at risk adults have the best outcomes.

 All dance teachers employed by the CTG are required to have a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check. This is a way to determine whether someone has a criminal record and whether they are suitable for employment.


We have also developed resources and training opportunities for dance teachers teaching at the CTG and provide guidance on safeguarding best practice. Teaching members of the CTG are required to meet the following

  • Obtain a criminal record check at least every three years

  • Self-declare any criminal convictions to the CTG

  • Participate in annual safeguarding training as part of their CPD hours

Our safeguarding team are focused on supporting dance teachers and are committed to keeping children and vulnerable adults safe while dancing.


To view our full Safeguarding policy, please contact



Procedure for Reporting Concerns


Link PDF under this section



Code Of Conduct


We are continually striving to make The Children's Theatre Group a positive learning environment and a happy place to work. All staff members must adhere to the Staff code of conduct at all times.


Junior Code of conduct


We are Positive

We are Ambitious

We are Respectful 

We are kind


To view our full Junior code of conduct please contact



Diversity & Inclusion Policy


The Children Theatre Group is committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion among our staff and students, and eliminating unlawful discrimination.


The aim is for our staff and students to be truly representative of all sections of society and our customers, and for each employee to feel respected and able to give their best.


The organisation- In providing goods and/for services-is also committed against unlawful discrimination of customers or the public. 


To view our full Diversity and Inclusion Policy please contact



Sustainability Policy


Over the last few years we have made significant improvements to make our Theatre Schools more environmentally conscious and sustainable.


We align our policies and practices with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


1. Our Venues


Paper, card and plastic is recycled wherever possible.


Students are encouraged to bring refillable water bottles to class.


All products sold in our Café are Fair Trade.


All donations made in our Café for products sold, go directly to local charities.


We operate a pre-loved recycling facility for old uniform and costumes. Donations are always welcome. All proceeds from pre-loved items go directly to Wood Street Mission.


We work closely with our venue managers to improve energy and waste management wherever we can.


2. Our Productions


We recognise that our productions have an impact on the environment. We seek to minimise this impact by:


  • Promoting efficient use of materials and exploring more sustainable and ethical options where possible

  • Recycling of costumes. While new items often need to be purchased for professional show performances, we encourage students to reuse costumes, or recylcle them, to prolong their life cycle. All proceeds from donated items are given directly to Wood Street Mission.


3. Our Operations


Our main operational activities include all the administrative functions required to organise performing arts classes and productions, alongside retail operations for costumes and uniforms.


We are committed to:


  • Reviewing the policies of our contractors and suppliers to ensure alignment with our sustainable goals.

  • Reducing our carbon footprint by having meetings online, purchasing from UK based manufacturers whenever possible, and limiting group travel.

  • Communicating with our stakeholders via online channels to reduce printing.

  • Supporting local teachers and creatives.


4. Our People


We are committed to working with our stakeholders to promote positive environmental action. We will:


  • Provide training for our teachers and other resources where possible.

  • Communicate with our stakeholders about our plans, progress and how they can make sustainable choices when visiting us.

  • Suggest ways our stakeholders can help us support local charities.

  • Participate in public discussions concerning environmental issues.​


To ensure our business is sustainable, we will continue to prioritise our people, our planet and our financial stability. We want our Theatre Schools to be around for a long time, as a vehicle for positive action within our communities. We are therefore fully committed to a sustainable future.  


We will monitor and report on our progress each year.


Updated April 2024




What can you do to help?


Support our charity Cafés and tuck shops.


Support our cake sales and our pre-loved uniform and costume sales.


Donate old uniform and costumes.


Join us to raise funds for local charities by taking part in organised events.


Read our regular digital newsletters and updates.


Retain, recycle or reuse promotional material which is original artwork.   


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